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Retired CBN Board Members

Alhaji Abdulkadir Ahmed (Late)
Retired as Former Governor - Served in the CBN from 6/28/1982 To 9/30/1993


Late Abdulkadir Ahmed was born on the 31st October, 1940 in Jama�are, Bauchi State. He had his early education in Jama�are and Bauchi before proceeding to Barewa College Zaria in 1955. He graduated from South West London College in 1972 after a stint at the Nigeria College, (University of Ife) in 1961.

He joined the service of the New Nigerian Development Company (NNDC), in January, 1960 and worked in various capacities within the group�s many subsidiaries and associate companies. He later served his state, Bauchi state as the first Commissioner of Finance from March 1976 to June, 1977 when he was appointed a Deputy Governor with the Central Bank of Nigeria. He was appointed the Governor of the Bank on 27th June, 1982 and retired on 30th September, 1993.

Alhaji Ahmed was a fellow of the Institute of Chartered and Certified Accountants (FCCA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants (FAC).

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Facts : 1/1/1900
Operation Feed the Nation (O.F.N.):Operation Feed the Nation was introduced by the federal military government headed by General Olusegun Obasanjo in 1979.It had the specific focus of increasing food production on the premise that availability of cheap food would ensure a higher nutrition level and invariably lead to national growth and development.OFN lasted till the civilian government of Alhaji Shehu Shagari in 1979.
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