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Freedom of Information (FOI) Office

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Take-off of Freedom of Information (FOI) Office, Corporate Secretariat

The Committee of Governors at its 285th Meeting held on 22nd February, 2012, had approved the creation of an Office for the Freedom of Information function in the Corporate Secretariat. A new Organizational Structure for the Corporate Secretariat was also approved and a new Information Management Division made up of Public Complaints Office and Freedom of Information Office was created to implement the Freedom of Information Act in the Bank and to treat Public Complaints against the Bank. The two Offices are located in the Corporate Secretariat on the 10th Floor, Wing ā€˜Cā€™, Head Office, Abuja.


Objectives and Mandate of the Freedom of Information Office


  • Coordinate the implementation of and compliance with the FOI Act in the Bank.
  • Arrange to make records and information in the custody of the Bank available, subject to specified exemptions and due process.
  • Enhance transparency and accountability of the Bank and its Officers.


Mandate of the Freedom of Information Office

  • Process oral or written application(s) for access to information and records;
  • Liaise with other Business Units to address request(s);
  • Manage all requests in collaboration with Legal Services Department at all times;
  • Prepare and submit the quarterly FOI implementation report to the CBN Board;
  • Prepare and submit FOI implementation report to the Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF) on or before 1st February for the preceding year;
  • Develop standard charges for documents and transcriptions in the Bank; and
  • Provide advisory services on FOI.



The Freedom of Information office, in discharging its duties, shall, at all times, collaborate with Legal Services Department and other Business Units in addressing requests and ensure that the laid down procedures are followed at all times as indicated below:

  • Receive request
  • Request the applicant to complete the form or assist
  • Acknowledge receipt of request and register request
  • Review request based on the provision of FOIA
  • Obtain legal opinion on information sought by Applicant
  • Obtain the relevant information from the relevant SBU(s) if not exempted
  • Prepare for response, present before FOI committee and obtain management approval to release
  • Communicate outcome to the applicant
  • Log action taken

See Frequently Asked Questions on FOI Office

Facts : 1/1/1900
London Club of Creditors:These are mainly uninsured and unguaranteed debts extended by commercial banks to nationals of debtor nations. Members of the club are commercial banks mainly in industrialized countries. The first London club meeting was held in 1976 to discuss re-payment and conclude re-structuring agreements.
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