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Currency Gallery

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Currency in Circulation:

Notes: N1000 | N500 | N200N100 C | N100 | N50 | N20 | N10 | N5
Coins: N2 | N 1 | 50 Kobo

Currency Withdrawn:

 Earlier | 1959 | 1965 | 1968 | 1973 | 1977 | 1979 | 1984 | 1991 | 2007| 2022

1959 Currency Issue

On 1st July, 1959 the Central Bank of Nigeria issued the Nigerian currency notes in the denominations of Five (5) pounds, One (1) pound, Ten (10/-) Shillings, Five (5/-) shillings, which were withdrawn in 1965 and coins in the denominations of Two (2/-) shillings, three (3p) Pence One (1p) Penny and One half (1/2p) Penny. The coins were withdrawn in 1973.

Five Pounds
69/16 x 315/16 Inches
Material: Paper
Withdrawn: 1965
One Pound
45/16 x 35/16 Inches
Material: Paper
Withdrawn: 1965
Ten Shilling
5� x 31/16 Inches
Material: Paper
Withdrawn: 1965
Five Shilling
4x 25/8 Inches
Material: Paper
Withdrawn: 1965
Two Shilling
Material: Silver
Withdrawn: 1973
One Shilling
Material: Silver
Withdrawn: 1973
Six Pence
Material: Silver
Withdrawn: 1973
Three Pence
Material: Gold
Withdrawn: 1973
1 Pence
Material: Bronze
Withdrawn: 1973
One and Half Pence
Material: Bronze
Withdrawn: 1973

See frequently asked questions on Currency Management

Facts : 1/1/1900
International Monetary Fund:The International Monetary Fund was established in 1945 to promote the health of the world economy with 29 countries sigining the Articles of Agreement. Nigeria joined the IMF in 1961,which now has 184 members with its headquarters in Washington D.C., USA.
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