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Retired CBN Board Members

Dr. Achinivu Ochi Chinoyerem  
Retired as Former Perm. Sec. Fed. Min of Finance - Served in the CBN from 8/19/2009 To 6/28/2010

Dr. Achinivu was born on June 28th 1950 and hails from Abia state. He Had his early education in Arochukwu and Aba, both in Abia state before proceeding to Owerri in Imo State for his secondary education. Dr. Achinivu thereafter attended Easter Washington University, U.SA where he specialized in planning and economics and the University of California where he obtained his masters and doctorate degrees in planning, economics and research between 1981 and 1989.

Dr. Achinivu has vast experience in the academic and public sector both in Nigeria and in the United States. He taught in various Institutions in California and in Nigeria, at the Chartered Institute of Bankers. He served in public sector institutions like the Bureau of Public Service Reform and the Petroleum (Special) Trust Fund. He was the Permanent Secretary, Manpower Development Office, Office of the Head of the Federal Civil Service before his deployment to the Federal Ministry of Finance as Permanent Secretary. He is a member of several professional organizations amongst which are the American Planning Association and the Nigerian Economic Society.

Dr. Achinivu enjoys soccer, table tennis, reading and community volunteering. He is married with children.

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Facts : 1/1/1966
Central Bank of Nigeria, Enugu Branch:In the year 1966, The Central Bank of Nigeria Branch in Enugu was opened.It was the fourth Central Bank Branch that was established, bringing to 4, the number of Central Bank offices in Nigeria at that time.
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