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Project EAGLES Update

Project EAGLES IV – Business Continuity and Integration Strategy (BCIS)

In continuation of the CBN's re-engineering process, Management has approved the implementation of the next phase – Business Continuity and Integration Strategy (BCIS).

What is it?

This phase is a continuation of the Project EAGLES initiative
A drive towards the Strategic intervention in realising the strategic intent and business imperatives of CBN

  • Project EAGLES overall objectives:
  • Rewiring CBN for Efficiency, Accountability, Goal Orientations, Leadership, Effectiveness and Staff Motivation
  • Improving the CBN's business processes
  • Reinvigorating its systems and procedures
  • Redesigning its structure for effectiveness and efficiency
  • Deploying world class Information Technology

Program Background – the various phases
  • Phase I – strategic assessment and direction.
  • Phase II – non-IT-driven processes were redesigned, enterprise IT solutions identified and change programme defined.
  • Phase III – the other IT-driven processes were redesigned, new IT systems were implemented & the structure of Bank was modified.
  • Phase IV – formulating and implementing strategies for continuity of business Bank-wide, uniformly integrating its systems and processes and building a strong platform for knowledge management.

The Project is currently in the 4 th phase – what does it entail?

The Project has three focus streams

  • Service Oriented Architecture / Enterprise Application Integration
    • Emphasis on placing business process focus on systems and applications.
    • The enhancement business process robustness, efficiency and integrity
  • Knowledge Management
    • Create an environment of knowledge sharing and establish a learning organization and strong emphasis on enhancing the corporate memory.
    • Establishment of a unified, integrated KM portal – linking the various activities, process and departments together across distributed locations.
  • Business Continuity Management
    • Building an organization wide framework and ability for resilience
    • Augmenting the new risk management framework
    • Supporting the FSS2020 initiative and NEEDS 2 agenda

What are the Key deliverables?

The 3 streams have fundamentally the same deliverables framework

  • Formulate the key business drivers for each of the streams
  • Formulate stream orientated vision, objectives and strategy
  • Implementation framework and roadmap
  • Undertake pilots (proof of concept) for each of the streams
  • Deliver formal training programmes
  • Transfer skills to CBN staff via a participation model
  • The plan is to have this phase completed by end of March 2008

 What can the staff of CBN expect?

The Bank staff can expect the following:

  • Selected people to participate and undergo formal training for each of the focus stream areas
  • Selected people to actively participate (part of skills transfer initiative) within each of streams – including programme management.
  • Participate across the three streams – interviews, workshops and awareness sessions

 What is happening after this phase?

The strategic intent is to move towards comprehensive implementation of the three areas – given that the pilot cases are a success and supports CBN's vision and objectives.

The delivery partners for this phase
  • The delivery partners working closely with the Bank is a consortium of solution providers.
  • Atos Origin - the global renowned solution provider of Information Technology services. Providing business consulting, systems integration and managed operations.
  • Global InfoSwift (GIS) - the local Nigerian based information technology solution provider.

The contact details for the project

The Project EAGLES IV coordinator is Mr. Walter W. Ahrey; (Director, Strategy and Performance Department).

Project EAGLES Update (Phase I, II and III)

In 1999 the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) commenced Project EAGLES with the overall aim of repositioning and reinventing the CBN for sustainable improvement of overall Efficiency, Accountability, Goal orientation, Leadership, Effectiveness and Staff motivation (EAGLES) within a short time frame by improving processes, people, organizational structure and IT systems

Project EAGLES was conceptualized as a three phase initiative; Phase I & II were focused on diagnosing issues in the bank, recommending solutions and implementing some quick-wins. This was a joint effort of CBN and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Consulting. p>

Activities carried out in phase I & II included;

  • Charting of "as is" process maps
  • Development of Change Plan
  • Development of detailed job descriptions
  • Development of human resource policies and staff performance appraisal
  • Identification and implementation of Quick Wins
  • Setting up the Change Champion Forum
  • Development of the CBN Web site
  • Formulation of Core values
  • Development of process level and bank-wide performance measures

The Change Plan developed in Phase II is the premise upon which Phase III is based. In this phase, and working with Accenture Consulting, the implementation of the Change Plan commenced. This is a technology-driven enterprise transformation of the CBN, characterized by the following:

  • Systematic and deliberate organization-wide migration towards stated goals and objectives through a series of IT-based and non-IT projects and initiatives
  • An integrated approach that recognizes the links and interfaces between strategy, process, people and technology
  • Fundamental and far-reaching changes to organization culture, attitudes and processes
  • Outsourcing of some non-core functions

Implementation Approach

The implementation approach was premised on a three stage road map, viz;

  1. Prepare for Change, which comprise of the Plan and design segments of projects. This stage also includes assessing the implications - cost benefit, technology, work tools, organisation, manning levels and skills - of the proposed initiatives to provide a basis for prioritization and decision making and then subsequently preparing the various areas for implementation. It also sought to ensure ownership of and commitment to proposed changes by relevant stakeholders.
  2. This closely dovetailed into the Change stage, which involved the Implementation of new systems, new processes, training staff to work in the new environment - training on new systems and processes; training to acquire other identified skills deemed important to stay relevant in the new environment It equally placed premium on helping all stakeholders to deal with the impact of these changes on individual and corporate bases.
  3. The third stage, tagged Institutionalizing Change involved the monitoring the implementation and benefits delivered and fine tuning the change journey to accommodate unexpected or unforeseen events. It also included the institutionalization of a mechanism for ensuring the continuing functioning of the implemented initiatives in an effective manner across all units of the bank e.g. rolling out to branches. Another goal at this stage was the provision of ongoing communication and culture change support to reinforce the changes.
Facts : 1/1/1900
Paris Club of Creditors:The club represents only government guaranteed creditors. Members include the United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, France and Canada, who guarantee the export activities of their nationals. When the recipient nation s government is unable to pay the equivalent of the imports domestic currency cover, it becomes government debt owed to creditor nations. The first Paris Club meeting was held in 1956.
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