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Government Securities

Government Securities - Primary Market(NTB)

Auction Date7/13/2022
Security TypeNTB
Tenor364 Day
Auction No07-13-2022 364Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date7/13/2023
Total Subscription138911.607
Total Successful137504.245
Range Bid5.5000-12.0000
Successful Bid Rates5.5000-7.0000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)137300.963
Auction Date7/13/2022
Security TypeNTB
Tenor182 DAY
Auction No07-13-2022 182Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date1/12/2023
Total Subscription1943.312
Total Successful1489.311
Range Bid3.7000-6.0000
Successful Bid Rates3.7000-4.0000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)1457.973
Auction Date7/13/2022
Security TypeNTB
Tenor91 DAY
Auction No07-13-2022 91Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date10/13/2022
Total Subscription4605.387
Total Successful4273.386
Range Bid2.4000-5.0000
Successful Bid Rates2.4000-2.7500
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)4508.006
Auction Date6/29/2022
Security TypeNTB
Tenor364 DAY
Auction No06-29-2022 364DAYS
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date6/29/2023
Total Subscription297960.072
Total Successful297960.072
Range Bid5.5000-9.2500
Successful Bid Rates5.5000-6.0700
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)158040.241
Auction Date6/29/2022
Security TypeNTB
Tenor182 DAY
Auction No06-29-2022 182DAYS
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date12/29/2022
Total Subscription17357
Total Successful17156
Range Bid3.4000-5.0000
Successful Bid Rates3.4000-3.7900
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)2163.9
Auction Date6/29/2022
Security TypeNTB
Tenor91 DAYS
Auction No06-29-2022 91DAYS
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date9/29/2022
Total Subscription13134.441
Total Successful12283.05
Range Bid2.4000-7.2480
Successful Bid Rates2.4000-2.4000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)13881.555
Auction Date6/15/2022
Security TypeNTB
Tenor364 Day
Auction No6-15-2022 364Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date6/16/2023
Total Subscription175057.726
Total Successful32154.897
Range Bid5.500-8.4200
Successful Bid Rates5.5000-6.0700
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)27868.646
Auction Date6/15/2022
Security TypeNTB
Tenor182 Day
Auction No6-15-2022 182Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date12/15/2022
Total Subscription1757.851
Total Successful1284.65
Range Bid3.7900-4.2500
Successful Bid Rates3.7900-3.7900
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)1101.951
Auction Date6/15/2022
Security TypeNTB
Tenor91 Day
Auction No6-15-2022 91Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date9/15/2022
Total Subscription1642.15
Total Successful1442.15
Range Bid2.4900-3.0000
Successful Bid Rates2.4900-2.4900
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)5911.1
Auction Date6/8/2022
Security TypeNTB
Tenor91 Day
Auction No6-8-2022 91Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date9/8/2022
Total Subscription1021.65
Total Successful766.65
Range Bid2.4900-3.7500
Successful Bid Rates2.4900-2.5000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)2323.5

Pages: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 . 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . 61 . 62 . 63 . 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 . 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 . 75 . 76 . 77 . 78 . 79 . 80 . 81 . 82 . 83 . 84 . 85 . 86 . 87 . 88 . 89 . 90 . 91 . 92 . 93 . 94 . 95 . 96 . 97 . 98 . 99 . 100 . 101 . 102 . 103 . 104 . 105 . 106 . 107 . 108 . 109 . 110 . 111 . 112 . 113 . 114 . 115 . 116 . 117 . 118 . 119 . 120 . 121 . 122 . 123 . 124 . 125 . 126 . 127 . 128 . 129 . 130 . 131 . 132 . 133 . 134 . 135 . 136 . 137 . 138 . 139 . 140 . 141 . 142 . 143 . 144 . 145 . 146 . 147 . 148 . 149 . 150 . 151 . 152 . 153 . 154 . 155 . 156 . 157 . 158 . 159 . 160 . 161 . 162 . 163 . 164 . 165 . 166 . 167 . 168 . 169 . 170 . 171 . 172 . 173 . 174 . 175 . 176 . 177 . 178 . 179 . 180 . 181 . 182 . 183 . 184 . 185 . 186 . 187 . 188 . 189 . 190 . 191 . 192 . 193 . 194 . 195 . 196 . 197 . 198 . 199 . 200 .
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