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Government Securities

Government Securities - Primary Market(NTB)

Auction Date3/7/2002
Security TypeNTB
Auction No07032002/NTB/91
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date9/5/2002
Total Subscription36055
Total Successful29267
Range Bid18.999 % - 23.0000 %
Successful Bid Rates18.999 % - 22.5000% 000 %
True Yield23.8373
Amount Offered (mn)61399
Auction Date2/28/2002
Security TypeNTB
Auction No28022002/NTB/91
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date8/29/2002
Total Subscription23622
Total Successful15000
Range Bid21.0000% - 23.0000% 00%
Successful Bid Rates21.0000% - 22.5000%
True Yield23.8373
Amount Offered (mn)15000
Auction Date2/21/2002
Security TypeNTB
Auction No21022002/NTB/91
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date8/22/2002
Total Subscription15778
Total Successful15000
Range Bid21.000 % - 22.5000 %
Successful Bid Rates2.1.000 % - 22.5000 %
True Yield23.8373
Amount Offered (mn)15000
Auction Date2/14/2002
Security TypeNTB
Auction No14022002/NTB/91
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date8/15/2002
Total Subscription17885
Total Successful15998
Range Bid20.5000 % - 22.5000 %
Successful Bid Rates20.5000 % - 22.2500 %
DescriptionIssue Rates
True Yield23.5574
Amount Offered (mn)16000
Auction Date2/7/2002
Security TypeNTB
Auction No07022002/NTB/91
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date8/8/2002
Total Subscription18027
Total Successful18027
Range Bid20.2500 % - 22.0000 %
Successful Bid Rates20.2500 % - 22.0000 %
True Yield23.2755
Amount Offered (mn)31870
Auction Date1/31/2002
Security TypeNTB
Auction No31012002/NTB/91
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date8/1/2002
Total Subscription12240
Total Successful12165
Range Bid19.75000 % - 22.0000 %
Successful Bid Rates19.75000 % - 21.7500 %
True Yield22.9964
Amount Offered (mn)21000
Auction Date1/24/2002
Security TypeNTB
Auction No24012002/NTB/91
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date7/25/2002
Total Subscription27563
Total Successful26862
Range Bid19.7500-22.0000
Successful Bid Rates19.7500-21.5000
True Yield22.7177
Amount Offered (mn)117646
Auction Date1/17/2002
Security TypeNTB
Auction No17012002/NTB/91
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date7/18/2002
Total Subscription17197
Total Successful17187
Range Bid19.5000-21.3500
Successful Bid Rates19.5000-21.2500
True Yield22.4393
Amount Offered (mn)25378
Auction Date1/10/2002
Security TypeNTB
Auction No10012002/NTB/91
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date7/11/2002
Total Subscription34108
Total Successful34108
Range Bid19.5000 % - 21.0000 %
Successful Bid Rates19.5000 % - 21.0000 %
DescriptionIssue Rates
True Yield22.1612
Amount Offered (mn)100000
Auction Date1/3/2002
Security TypeNTB
Auction No03012002/NTB/91
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date7/4/2002
Total Subscription24615
Total Successful24615
Range Bid19.7500% - 20.7500%
Successful Bid Rates19.7500% - 20.7500%
DescriptionIssue Rates
True Yield21.8813
Amount Offered (mn)35000

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