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CBN Engages with Private Sector to Boost Foreign Direct Investment


CBN Engages with Private Sector to Boost Foreign Direct Investment

The Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Mr. Olayemi Cardoso, hosted a roundtable forum with private sector executives across various industries, on Wednesday, April 24th, at the CBN Lagos Office. The focus of the forum was on improving Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Nigeria. Executives engaged in discussions surrounding the policy landscape, challenges, and opportunities pertaining to FDI. The forum aimed to pinpoint opportunities and strategies for bolstering investments in the economy, improving the business environment and contributing to long-term sustainable growth in NIgeria.

CBN Engages with Private Sector to Boost Foreign Direct Investment

CBN Engages with Private Sector to Boost Foreign Direct Investment CBN Engages with Private Sector to Boost Foreign Direct Investment


Facts : 7/1/1959
PHYSICAL EXPANSION:The CBN former headquarters in Marina Lagos was opened and began full operations in banking and curency activities only.
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