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The Trust Fund Model

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The Trust Fund Model is a framework for enhancing credit supply to the agricultural and rural sectors of the economy. Under the Model, oil companies, State/Local Governments and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) place funds in trust with lending banks to augment the small group-savings of the farmers as security for agricultural loans.

The Trust Fund secures 25% or more of the intended loans of the prospective borrowers, the farmers’ savings secure another 25% while the ACGSF guarantees 75% of the remaining 50%, thereby leaving the lending bank with a risk exposure of only 12.5%. Sometimes, the state government, taking cognisance of the low capacity of the poor farmers in the state, may decide to increase its stake beyond 25% in order to assist the peasant farmers who may be unable to muster sufficient savings to qualify for a meaningful amount of loan.

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Facts : 1/1/1967
PHYSICAL EXPANSION:Benin Branch was opened.
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