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Development Financing

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Development financing is one of the requirements for sustainable economic growth in any economy. The supply of finance to various sectors of the economy will promote the growth of the economy in a holistic manner and this, will make development, welfare improvement to proceed at a faster rate. The Central Bank of Nigeria development finance initiatives involve the formulation and implementation of various policies, innovation of appropriate products and creation of enabling environment for financial institutions to deliver services in an effective, efficient and sustainable manner. The initiatives are mainly targeted at agricultural sector, rural development and micro, small and medium enterprises.

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Facts : 7/1/1959
BOARD OF DIRECTORS:The Management of the CBN is placed under a Board of Directors which is responsible for the Policy and General administration of the Affairs and Business of the Bank.Under the original statute,the Board was composed of the Governor as Chairman,a Deputy Governor and Five other Directors all of whom were appointed by the Federal Government.
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