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CBN and The Community

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Other CBN Aid Programmes

Library Services

The Bank has standard library at its Headquarters, Lagos and all branches where current editions of books, journals and other publications of various fields of study can be accessed. These Libraries are open to the general public. Research students from various institutions of higher learning always use the libraries for their projects among others.

Economic And Financial Data
Management And Dissemination

The CBN has a database for the economic and financial reports which enables it to carry out one of its mandate as adviser to the Government. In addition, information are disseminated to the public by way of publication of CBN Annual Report, Economic and Financial Review, Half Year Report, Statistical Bulletin, CBN Briefs and Occasional Papers on topical issues (eg Consolidation of Nigeria’s banking Industry)

Other Financial Aid

The Bank is also involved in several other community development initiatives across the country. These include:

  1. Construction of a clinic at Yangoji Lepers Village in the FCT at the cost of N3.132m. The project is being sponsored from the alms collection scheme instituted by staff of the Bank.
  2. The Bank in 2002 built two Police Posts for the Nigerian Police Force at Satellite Town, Lagos at the cost over N18 million.
  3. The sum of N6m was donated to FCT in 2006 for Advocacy and Publicity of FCT Reforms.
  4. N4m was donated to Anti Fraud Foundation of Nigeria in 2004
  5. N2m was donated to Child Care Trust in 2004
  6. N1.8m was donated to Farm Management Association of Nigeria
  7. Rehabilitation of borehole project at the Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN) Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, Mangu, Jos, at the cost of NN460,000.00 and commissioned in May, 2006

Facts : 7/24/1958
First Governor of CBN:Mr. Roy Pentelow Fenton was appointed the first and the only expatriate Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria. He served from July 24, 1958 to July 24, 1963.
See All: Facts | Events

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CBN and the Community
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