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Government Securities

Government Securities - Primary Market(NTB)

Auction Date4/17/2019
Security TypeNTB
Tenor182 DAY
Auction No17-04-2019 182DAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date10/17/2019
Total Subscription37686.503
Total Successful3500
Range Bid11.80-14.00
Successful Bid Rates11.8000-12.5000
True Yield13.3309
Amount Offered (mn)29245.168
Auction Date4/17/2019
Security TypeNTB
Tenor91 DAY
Auction No17-04-2019 NTB 91DAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date7/18/2019
Total Subscription23968.157
Total Successful5849.034
Range Bid9.7000-13.5000
Successful Bid Rates9.7000-10.1499
True Yield10.4134
Amount Offered (mn)5849.034
Auction Date4/3/2019
Security TypeNTB
Tenor364 DAY
Auction No03-04-2019 364 DAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date4/2/2020
Total Subscription153996.664
Total Successful68080.464
Range Bid11.7999-15.0000
Successful Bid Rates11.7999-12.8500
True Yield14.7387
Amount Offered (mn)68080.464
Auction Date4/3/2019
Security TypeNTB
Tenor182 DAY
Auction No03-04-2019 182 DAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date10/3/2019
Total Subscription22965.789
Total Successful17600.581
Range Bid11.8000-14.0000
Successful Bid Rates11.8000-12.6000
True Yield13.4447
Amount Offered (mn)17600.581
Auction Date4/3/2019
Security TypeNTB
Tenor91 DAY
Auction No03-04-2019 91 DAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date7/4/2019
Total Subscription20093.319
Total Successful10000
Range Bid10.0000-13.0000
Successful Bid Rates10.0000-13.0000
True Yield10.5609
Amount Offered (mn)10000
Auction Date3/20/2019
Security TypeNTB
Auction No20-03-2019-364 Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date3/19/2020
Total Subscription220615.229
Total Successful37176.061
Range Bid11.5900 - 14.5000
Successful Bid Rates11.5900 - 12.3450
True Yield14.0782
Amount Offered (mn)37176.061
Auction Date3/20/2019
Security TypeNTB
Auction No20-03-2019-182 Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date9/19/2019
Total Subscription30073.78
Total Successful8385.196
Range Bid11.5000 - 13.5200
Successful Bid Rates11.5000 - 12.2000
True Yield12.9902
Amount Offered (mn)8385.196
Auction Date3/20/2019
Security TypeNTB
Auction No20-03-2019-91 Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date6/20/2019
Total Subscription7851.124
Total Successful3000
Range Bid10.3000 - 14.0000
Successful Bid Rates10.3000 - 10.3000
True Yield10.5715
Amount Offered (mn)3000
Auction Date3/13/2019
Security TypeNTB
Auction No13-03-2019 182DAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date9/12/2019
Total Subscription46467.066
Total Successful14002.523
Range Bid12.0000-14.0000
Successful Bid Rates12.0000-12.50000
True Yield13.3309
Amount Offered (mn)14002.523
Auction Date3/13/2019
Security TypeNTB
Auction No13-03-2019 91DAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date6/13/2019
Total Subscription14360.286
Total Successful5000
Range Bid10.5000-13.0000
Successful Bid Rates10.5000-10.7500
True Yield11.046
Amount Offered (mn)5000

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