Money and Credit Statistics

Million Naira (=N=)

Money Supply (M3)
-- CBN Bills Held by Money Holding Sectors
Money Supply (M2)
-- Quasi Money
-- Narrow Money (M1)
---- Currency Outside Banks
---- Demand Deposits
Net Foreign Assets (NFA)
Net Domestic Assets(NDA)
-- Net Domestic Credit (NDC)
---- Credit to Government (Net)
---- Memo: Credit to Govt. (Net) less FMA
---- Memo: Fed. and Mirror Accounts (FMA)
---- Credit to Private Sector (CPS)
--Other Assets Net
Reserve Money (Base Money)
--Currency in Circulation
--Banks Reserves
--Special Intervention Reserves

  • Coverage of Annual Money and Credit Statistics span 1960 - 1992.
  • Coverage of Monthly Money and Credit Statistics commenced in January 1993.