5 Year Financial Statements - Pre 1972

The five year financial statements is an extract from the audited accounts of the Central Bank of Nigeria for a given period comprising the balance sheet and the income and expenditure account for the period. The data presented takes cognizance of adjustments to the account balances when applicable, arising from changes in accounting policy, and the format of presentation.

NB: The financial statements for the period up to 1971 were presented in thousands ('000) denominated in Nigeria Pounds (£=N=) being the National Currency prior to introduction of the Nigeria Naira in 1972.

View Post 1971 5 Year Balance Sheet

Five Year Balance Sheet as at

Thousands of Nigerian Pounds (£=N='000)    
External Reserves
Holdings of Special Drawing Rights
Fed Govt. Securities
Rediscount & Loans/Advances
Other Assets
Other Securities (Investments)
Exchange Difference on Promissory Notes
Fixed Assets
Total Assets
CBN Instruments Issued
Currency in Circulation
IMF Allocation for SDR
Trade Debt Promissory Notes
Other Foreign Currency Liabilities
Other Financial Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Capital & Reserves:
Share Capital
General Reserve Fund
Assets Revaluation Reserve
Currency Revaluation Reserve
Reserve Fund Inv. Manager
Total Capital & Reserves
Total Liabilities & Equity
Contingent Liabilities
Operating Results for the Year Ended: -
Total Income (net)
Provision for Bad Debt
Operating Expenses
Provisions (net)
Exceptional Items
Surplus Available for appropriation
Transfer to General Reserve
Surplus Available to F.G.N.
Total Appropriation