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Government Securities

Auction Date5/27/2020
Security TypeNTB
Auction No27-05-2020-364 Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date5/27/2021
Total Subscription37948.361
Total Successful19842.352
Range Bid3.5000 - 12.8000
Successful Bid Rates3.5000 - 4.0199
True Yield4.1878
Amount Offered (mn)19842.352
Auction Date5/27/2020
Security TypeNTB
Auction No27-05-2020-182 Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date11/26/2020
Total Subscription55145.627
Total Successful19157.656
Range Bid2.4500 - 7.6931
Successful Bid Rates2.4500 - 2.7200
True Yield2.7574
Amount Offered (mn)19157.656
Auction Date5/27/2020
Security TypeNTB
Auction No27-05-2020-91 Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date8/27/2020
Total Subscription37458.428
Total Successful20372.79
Range Bid2.2000 - 8.0000
Successful Bid Rates2.2000 - 2.4500
True Yield2.4651
Amount Offered (mn)20372.79
Auction Date5/20/2020
Security TypeFGN Bonds
Tenor30 Year
Auction No20-05-2020-30 Year
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date3/27/2050
Total Subscription189.19
Total Successful160.1
Range Bid11.0500 - 13.7443
Successful Bid Rates11.0500 - 12.6000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)20
Auction Date5/20/2020
Security TypeFGN Bonds
Tenor15 Year
Auction No20-05-2020-15 Year
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date3/27/2035
Total Subscription154.1
Total Successful68.73
Range Bid9.4000 - 14.0000
Successful Bid Rates9.4000 - 11.7000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)20
Auction Date5/20/2020
Security TypeFGN Bonds
Tenor5 Year
Auction No20-05-2020-5 Year
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date4/27/2023
Total Subscription81.89
Total Successful67.37
Range Bid7.000 - 12.7500
Successful Bid Rates7.0000 - 9.2000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)20
Auction Date5/13/2020
Security TypeNTB
Auction No14-05-2020 364DAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date5/13/2021
Total Subscription102030.671
Total Successful82886.671
Range Bid2.8000 - 12.8000
Successful Bid Rates2.8000 - 3.8400
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)16536.72
Auction Date5/13/2020
Security TypeNTB
Auction No14-05-2020 182DAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date11/12/2020
Total Subscription41194.993
Total Successful40093.992
Range Bid1.9400 - 7.4800
Successful Bid Rates1.9400 - 2.8500
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)12920.9
Auction Date5/13/2020
Security TypeNTB
Auction No14-05-2020 9IDAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date8/13/2020
Total Subscription22334.588
Total Successful19783.588
Range Bid1.3900 - 6.6398
Successful Bid Rates1.3900 - 2.5000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)4384.18
Auction Date4/30/2020
Security TypeOMO
Auction No04-30-2020 334DAY
Maturity Date3/30/2021
Total Subscription198000
Total Successful100000
Range Bid12.5000 - 12.6999
Successful Bid Rates12.5000 - 12.6400
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)30000

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