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Government Securities

Auction Date9/26/2024
Security TypeNTB
Tenor182 DAY
Auction No03-27-2024 182Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date9/26/2024
Total Subscription58183.63
Total Successful25576.536
Range Bid16.0000 - 22.0000
Successful Bid Rates16.0000 - 17.0000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)1560.401
Auction Date4/12/2024
Security TypeNTB
Tenor90 DAY
Auction No04-12-2024 90Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date7/11/2024
Total Subscription27339.863
Total Successful27114.863
Range Bid15.0000 - 17.5000
Successful Bid Rates15.0000 - 16.2400
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)2777.581
Auction Date4/12/2024
Security TypeNTB
Tenor181 DAY
Auction No04-12-2024 181Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date10/10/2024
Total Subscription27268.182
Total Successful22674.139
Range Bid16.0000 - 21.0000
Successful Bid Rates16.0000 - 17.0000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)3023.35
Auction Date4/12/2024
Security TypeNTB
Tenor363 DAY
Auction No04-12-2024 363Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date4/10/2025
Total Subscription1769808.243
Total Successful902037.876
Range Bid19.0000 - 25.0000
Successful Bid Rates19.0000 - 20.7000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)143838.267
Auction Date4/3/2024
Security TypeOMO
Auction No03-03-2024 97DAY
Maturity Date2/25/2025
Total Subscription17000
Total Successful17000
Range Bid18.8800-19.0000
Successful Bid Rates18.8800-19.0000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)75000
Auction Date4/3/2024
Security TypeOMO
Auction No03-03-2024 188DAY
Maturity Date10/8/2024
Total Subscription20250
Total Successful7250
Range Bid19.4800-21.9900
Successful Bid Rates19.4800-19.5000
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)75000
Auction Date4/3/2024
Security TypeOMO
Auction No03-03-2024 363DAY
Maturity Date4/1/2025
Total Subscription1157900
Total Successful652400
Range Bid19.9900-21.4900
Successful Bid Rates19.9900-21.1250
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)350000
Auction Date3/27/2024
Security TypeNTB
Tenor364 DAY
Auction No03-27-2024 364Day
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date3/27/2025
Total Subscription2483150.754
Total Successful1134303.329
Range Bid16.2390 - 25.4900
Successful Bid Rates16.2390 - 21.1240
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)142162.229
Auction Date3/27/2024
Security TypeNTB
Tenor91 DAY
Auction No03-27-2024 91DAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date6/27/2024
Total Subscription76811.755
Total Successful29833.974
Range Bid15.0000 - 22.0000
Successful Bid Rates15.0000 - 16.2400
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)17606.519
Auction Date3/13/2024
Security TypeNTB
Auction No03-13-2024 91DAY
AuctionPrimary Market
Maturity Date6/13/2024
Total Subscription85509.337
Total Successful5728.17
Range Bid15.0000 - 19.0000
Successful Bid Rates15.0000 -16.2399
True Yield0
Amount Offered (mn)728.17

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